The sacroiliac joint is a small firm joint that lies at the junction of the spine and the pelvis.  This joint does only minimal movement, but if it becomes painful it can radiate to the lower back, buttocks, groin, or legs.  Patients who have SI joint syndrome usually have a history of trauma, either falling on the buttocks or a motor vehicle accident during which the knees hit the dash board.  Repeated rotation as see in golfers, pitchers, ballet dancers, and ice skaters can result in this syndrome.  Since the joint is not easily palpated or manipulated, it becomes a difficult problem in diagnosis.  There are various tests such as the Patrick’s and Gaenslen’s Test that help in making the diagnosis.  Many other problems such as hip arthritis, back pain, and sciatic pain can mimic SI joint pain.



All procedures are performed at a certified outpatient surgery center or hospital setting.  In most cases we use sedation techniques and use an Anesthesiologist.  Patients should have nothing by mouth including water for at least 6 hours prior to the procedure.  Regular medications (blood pressure etc.) can be taken with a sip of water.  You should not take any pain medications or sedatives prior to the procedure.   You will need a ride home and you should not drive yourself for at least 8 hrs after discharge.  You may return to normal activities the following day.


If you are on blood thinning medications (e.g. Coumadin, Plavix), or if you have an active infection or fever, you should notify the doctor immediately.  The procedure can be performed after a period of time when either blood thinning medication has been stopped, or when no active infection or fever is present.  If you are pregnant, you should not have these procedures.